Dr. Umut Zereyak
Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon
- Istanbul, Turkey
- English, Russian, Turkish
- 18 years of experience
About Doctor Umut Zereyak
Dr. Umut Zereyak was born in Adana where he completed his early education. He then proceeded to study medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, Trakya University. In 2007, he undertook a general surgery internship at Budapest Semmelweis University, Hungary, for a month.
After finishing his internship in Hungary, Dr. Zereyak returned to his homeland where he worked in different roles. He served as an emergency physician in Aksaray and then as a research assistant at Adana Numune Hospital.
He later specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at Cumhuriyet University. In 2016, he spent four months at St George's Hospital in London, England, working in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic. He was part of the Erasmus Academic Plus scholarship program during this period.
That same year, he spent a month at Klinikum Bremen-Mitte in Bremen, Germany, where he continued his specialization in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. In 2017, he returned to the same institution in Germany for a 15-day program, again under the Erasmus Academic Plus scholarship.
In 2018, Dr. Zereyak volunteered at Timur Anbessa Hospital's Head and Neck Reconstruction and Plastic Surgery Clinic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, representing Cumhuriyet University.
After his six-year residency training at Cumhuriyet University, Dr. Zereyak transitioned to work at Sivas Numune Hospital. In 2019, he passed the Part 1 (MCQ) examination of the European Council of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Brussels, Belgium.
Dr. Zereyak's field of interest includes reconstructive plastic surgery procedures such as burns, trauma injuries, and tumor surgery, in addition to facial aesthetics and full-body plastic surgery. He has been involved in a number of scientific publications in both experimental and clinical fields. Dr. Zereyak maintains that regardless of a physician's position in academic staff, staying updated with scientific literature is crucial.
- M.D.: Medicine, Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, Edirne, Turkey.
- Internship: General Surgery, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 2007.
- Residency: Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Cumhuriyet University, Sivas, Turkey, completed in 2018.
- Fellowship (Erasmus Academic Plus scholarship): Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, St George’s Hospital, London, England, 2016.
- Fellowship (Erasmus Academic Plus scholarship): Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Head and Neck and Hand, Klinikum Bremen-Mitte, Bremen, Germany, 2016 & 2017.
- Examination: European Council of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Part 1 (MCQ), Brussels, Belgium, 2019.
- Emergency physician in Aksaray.
- Research assistant at Adana Numune Hospital.
- Intern at Cumhuriyet University, Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.
- Four-month period at St George’s Hospital in London, England, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic.
- One-month period at Bremen, Germany Klinikum Bremen-Mitte, Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Head and Neck and Hand.
- Fifteen-day period at Bremen, Germany Klinikum Bremen-Mitte, Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Head and Neck and Hand.
- Volunteer at Addis Ababa University Hospital, Timur Anbessa Hospital (Kara Aslan), Head and Neck Reconstruction and Plastic Surgery Clinic.
- Work at Sivas Numune Hospital after completing residency training.
- General surgery internship at Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary in 2007
- European Board Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgeon🇪🇺
- Passed the examination of the European Council of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Part 1 (MCQ) in Brussels, Belgium in 2019
- The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
- Volunteered to represent Cumhuriyet University in Addis Ababa University Hospital, Timur Anbessa Hospital, Head and Neck Reconstruction, and Plastic Surgery Clinic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2018
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Contact Dr. Umut Zereyak
- Kantarcı Rıza Sk. No:1, Bağdat caddesi, 34728 Kadıköy, Istanbul, Turkey
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