Dr. Ercan Arca - Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

Dr. Ercan Arca

Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

  • Ankara, Turkey
  • English, Turkish
  • 35 years of experience

About Doctor Ercan Arca

Dr. Ercan Arca is a dermatologist based in Ankara, Turkey. He currently serves as a professor in the Department of Dermatology at Güven Health Group. Dr. Arca's academic background includes a medical degree from Gülhane Military Medical Faculty, completed in 1990, followed by a specialization in Skin and Venereal Diseases, which he achieved in 1996.

His professional experience encompasses various roles, including serving as a lecturer in the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases at Gülhane Faculty of Medicine and an internship at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine's Department of Dermatology in Baltimore, Maryland, focusing on dermoscopic diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers.

Dr. Arca has a broad spectrum of clinical interests, including psoriasis, acne, rosacea, skin cancers, and vitiligo. He is skilled in dermatological procedures such as chemical peels, botulinum applications, and laser treatments.

In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Arca has contributed to the academic community through publications in international peer-reviewed journals and participation in scientific meetings. He is also a member of several professional dermatology associations.

Dr. Arca is proficient in English and has been involved in both national and international medical spheres. His work is characterized by a focus on dermatological treatments and patient care within his field of expertise.

  • M.D.: Medicine, Gülhane Military Medical Faculty, Ankara, Turkey, 1990.
  • Residency: Skin and Venereal Diseases, Gülhane Military Medical Faculty, Ankara, Turkey, 1993-1996.
  • Fellowship: Dermatology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2005-2006
  • Samsun Field Sanitary School and GATA Intern Doctor
  • Turkish Cypriot Peace Forces Regiment Chief Physician Nicosia/Cyprus
  • GATA Gülhane Faculty of Medicine Skin and Venereal Diseases AD Specialization Student
  • Güven Hospital, Department of Dermatology, Professor Doctor (2017-Currently)
  • Gülhane Faculty of Medicine, Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Lecturer (2016-2017)
  • Erzincan Military Hospital, Skin Clinic, Specialist Doctor (1996-2000)
  • Turkish Cypriot Peace Forces, Chief Regiment (1991-1993)
  • Samsun Sahara Sanitary School and GATA, Intern Doctor (1990-1991)
  • European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
  • Skin and Venereal Diseases Association
  • Turkish Dermatology Association
  • Ankara Skin and Venereal Diseases Association
  • International Society of Dermoscopy
  • Turkish Pediatric Dermatology Association
  • Dermatoimmunology Association
  • Dermatooncology Association
  • Psoriasis Association
  • 71 papers presented at international scientific meetings and included in the proceedings books
  • 58 papers presented at national scientific meetings and included in proceedings books
  • 31 publications published in international peer-reviewed journals
  • 35 publications published in national peer-reviewed journals
  • Authorship in 3 books
  • Chapter translation in 6 books

Performed Solutions

Reviews about Dr. Ercan Arca

Reem Saif

He is a very professional dermatologist, he has a very artistic outlook on the face of the patients. He is very respectful to his costumers and and provides the best care.

melek ersoy

Ercan caliskan harika bir doktor mukemmel bir insan vitilogo hastaligim vardi bana cok yardimci oldu binlerce tesekkur ederim ona

Sevkiye Emek

Saçlarımda oluşan yaralardan dolayı hocamıza muayene oldum. Hocanın hastalara karşı tutumu,içten davranışı ve bilgisi insana güven veriyor.Tedavim sonuçlandı.Yaralarım iyileşti, saçlarımda dökülme azaldı. Teşekkür ederim her için iyiki tanıdım sizi...!

Nurseli Boyraz

Ercan hocama tavsiye üzerine gittim saçlı egzamam varmış verdiği ilaç ve tavsiyeleri uygulayınca 2 hafta gibi kısa bir sürede sonuç aldım. Hocamın verdiği güven ekibinin güler yüzlülüğü paha biçilmez. Ercan hocam ve tüm ekibine teşekkür ederim.

Yadigar Şimşek

Merhaba Dr.Ercan beyi başka bir hocanın tavsiyesi ile buldum. Kuzenimden vitiligo hastalığı vardı bir çok tedavi gördü ama her hangi bir çözüm olmadı. Ercan beyin vitilogo hastalığında gerek yeni yöntemler ile ve vitilogodaki engin bilgileri birde hastaya psikolojik desteği sayesinde tedavide sonuca ulaştık. Her şey için teşekkür ederim. Herkese tavsiye ediyorum.

Contact Dr. Ercan Arca

  • 100. Yıl, Kuleli Sok. Yelda Apt. No:9, 06700 Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey

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Frequently Asked Questions

doctor Ercan Arca clinic is located in (100. Yıl, Kuleli Sok. Yelda Apt. No:9, 06700 Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey). To find the clinic more easily, you can use online maps like Google Maps on his profile to get the exact address.
There are several ways to book an appointment with doctor Ercan Arca. If online booking is available through the Belorens website, you can easily schedule your appointment online from anywhere. Otherwise, you can contact doctor Ercan Arca via phone, WhatsApp, or Instagram to arrange an appointment.For urgent consultations or questions regarding appointment availability, it is recommended to contact the clinic directly via phone or WhatsApp for a faster response.
doctor Ercan Arca’s clinic phone number for direct contact is (+903124371100). You can easily use this number to schedule an appointment, ask medical questions, or seek consultation and further information.For urgent consultations or appointment scheduling, it is recommended to use this number.
The consultation fee for doctor Ercan Arca may vary depending on the type of service provided. For exact pricing details, you can contact the clinic directly by phone or reach out via WhatsApp and other communication channels listed on doctor Ercan Arca profile.Please note that fees may change based on the type of treatment and the duration of the consultation. Therefore, it is advisable to check the costs with the clinic before your visit.
Yes, if online consultation is enabled for doctor Ercan Arca, you can connect with him. Currently, if online consultation with doctor Ercan Arca is not available on Belorens, you can contact him through other means such as phone calls, WhatsApp messages, or Instagram to receive consultation.This option is particularly suitable for those who are unable to visit the clinic in person or prefer the convenience of consulting from home.