Dr. Can İsler - Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Can İsler

Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • German, English, Turkish
  • 36 years of experience

About Doctor Can İsler

Dr. Can İsler specializes in both Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery as well as General Surgery. Born in 1964 in Beyazıt, Istanbul, Dr. İsler began his education at Istanbul Boys' High School, completing his studies in 1982. He then pursued medical education at Istanbul University's Faculty of Medicine from 1982 to 1988. Dr. İsler's postgraduate training in general surgery took place between 1989 and 1994 at the SB Istanbul Training and Research Hospital.

He served as a general surgery specialist at several hospitals, including SB Bursa Orhangazi State Hospital and SB Istanbul Training and Research Hospital. 

In Austria, during his residency, Dr. İsler honed his skills in hand and peripheral nerve surgery. His pursuit of knowledge did not end there; he has also undergone specialized training in rhinoplasty and has attained equivalence diplomas in various medical disciplines from countries including Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.

Currently, Dr. İsler runs a private practice where he specializes in aesthetic, plastic, and reconstructive surgery, as well as general surgery. His practice has two main branches located in Nişantaşı, Istanbul, and Vienna, Austria.

  • M.D.: General Surgery, Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, İstanbul, Turkey, 1982 - 1988.
  • Residency: General Surgery, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey, 1989 - 1994.
  • Fellowship: Plastic Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 1998 - 2002. 
  • Specialist for General Surgery, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey, Dec 1989 - Sep 1994.
  • Specialist for General Surgery, Orhangazi State Hospital, Bursa, Turkey, Oct 1994 - Dec 1996.
  • Assistant Doctor for Hand Surgery, University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland, Nov 1996 - Dec 1996.
  • Specialist for General Surgery, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey, Jan 1997 - Jun 1998.
  • Assistant Doctor for Hand Surgery, Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, İstanbul, Turkey, Dec 1997 - Jun 1998.
  • Assistant Doctor for Plastic Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Department for Plastic Surgery, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1998 - Mar 2002.
  • Assistant Doctor for Plastic Surgery, Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, İstanbul, Turkey, Mar 2002 - May 2002.
  • Specialist for General Surgery, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey, May 2002 - Jul 2003.
  • Specialist for Plastic Surgery, Foundation Gureba Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug 2003 - Aug 2005.
  • Specialist for Plastic Surgery, Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey, Aug 2005 - Nov 2011.
  • Specialist for General Surgery and for Plastic Surgery, Private Practice, İstanbul, Turkey and Vienna, Austria, Dec 2011 - Present.
  • Breast diseases post-graduate training course, Senology association - 19 November 1994, Istanbul
  • Video-endo-laparoscopic surgery basic training course, I.U. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery - 27 January-3 February 1995, Istanbul
  • Scientific research methods in medicine training course, Family physicians specialty association - 17-21 April 1995, Istanbul
  • Mammography ultrasonography course, National Surgery Association - 21 October 1995, Istanbul
  • Laparoscopic surgery course, German hospital - 13 April 1996, Istanbul
  • Colon and rectum cancer training course, I. Ü. Istanbul faculty of medicine - 26 October 1996, Istanbul
  • Diagnostic problems in breast cancer training course, Senology Association - 12 April 1997, Istanbul
  • Problems encountered in breast cancer treatment training course, Senology Association - 10 May 1997, Istanbul
  • Esophagus and stomach cancer training course, I.U. Istanbul faculty of medicine - 24-25 October 1997, Istanbul
  • Basic microsurgery course, Şişli Etfal hospital plastic and reconstructive surgery clinic, microsurgery research and development association - 17-28 November 1997, Istanbul
  • Advanced techniques in periorbital rejuvenation course, Wilhelminenspital hospital plastic and reconstructive surgery clinic, Austrian plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery association, and Ludwig Boltzmann institute endoscopic soft tissue surgery department - 16-17 June 200, Vienna-Austria
  • Aesthetic laser workshop, lasertechnik 2000 - 6-7 October 2000, Vienna-Austria
  • Flap dissection course, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, continuing medical education activities - 29-30 November 2002, Ankara
  • Noninvasive aesthetic interventions on the face, Vakıf Gureba Hospital Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Clinic - 25 December 2003, Istanbul
  • External septorhinoplasty from A to Z, Malatya İnönü University - 5-7 May 2004, Malatya
  • 14. Stuttgart, functional, aesthetic rhinoplasty course, Marienhospital plastic surgery center, facial plastic surgery department - 29-31 March 2006, Stuttgart-Germany
  • Mesotherapy course, Austrian mesotherapy association - 19-20 January 2008, Vienna-Austria
  • Breast diseases post-graduate training - Senology association - 19 November 1994
  • Video-endo-laparoscopic surgery basic training - I.U. Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery - 3 February 1995
  • Scientific research methods in medicine training - Family physicians specialty association - 21 April 1995
  • Mammography ultrasonography - National Surgery Association - 21 October 1995
  • Laparoscopic surgery - German hospital - 13 April 1996
  • Colon and rectum cancer training - I. Ü. Istanbul faculty of medicine - 26 October 1996
  • Endocrine surgery 3rd post-graduate course - Endocrine surgery association - 15 March 1997
  • Diagnostic problems in breast cancer training - Senology Association - 12 April 1997
  • Problems encountered in breast cancer treatment training - Senology Association - 10 May 1997
  • Esophagus and stomach cancer training - I.U. Istanbul faculty of medicine - 25 October 1997
  • Basic microsurgery - Şişli Etfal hospital plastic and reconstructive surgery clinic, microsurgery research and development association - 28 November 1997
  • Istanbul Medical Chamber.
  • Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association.
  • Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association.
  • Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Association.
  • Reconstructive Microsurgery Association.
  • Maxillofacial Surgeons Association.
  • Turkish Surgery Association.
  • Senology (Breast Science) Association.
  • 12th postgraduate training meeting, Department of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Innsbruck - 17 October 2002, Salzburg-Austria
  • Scientific meeting on 'Use of Botulinum-toxin', Organized by Prof. Dr. Hanno Millesi - 25 January 2003, Vienna-Austria
  • 19th national congress and rhinoplasty course, Aesthetic plastic surgery association - 11-15 May 2005, Istanbul
  • Bayer GS, et al.: 2-D and 3-D Cultivation of Schwann cells - 5th International Muscle Symposium, 19-21 May 2000, Vienna-Austria
  • Aszmann OC, İşler C., Frey M.: Computer-Assisted Sensorimotor Testing - 8. Congress IFSSH, 10-14 June 2001, Istanbul- Turkey
  • Turan A., et al.: Use of tracheal tube in isolated fractures of the zygomatic arch - Plastic Reconstruction Surg. 114 (4), 1005-1006 (2004)
  • Turkaslan T., et al.: Eine neue Methode bei der Wiederherstellung ausgedehnter Unterlippendeektife - Eur. Surg. 36, 18-19 (2004)
  • Türkaslan T., et al.: Auflösen der axillaeren Verbrennungskontrakturen - Eur. Surg. 36, 22-23 (2004)
  • Turan A., et al.: Reconstruction of the anterior surface of the ear - Ann Plast Surg. 56 (6), 609 – 613 (2006)

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Dr.Can İsler
Dr.Can İsler
Dr.Can İsler
Dr.Can İsler
Dr.Can İsler
Dr.Can İsler
Dr.Can İsler
Dr.Can İsler
Dr.Can İsler

Reviews about Dr. Can İsler


Nach einer langen Zeit der Suche nach einem guten und zuverlässigen Chirurgen für eine Brustvergrößerung, sind wir durch eine Freundin auf den Herren Doktor Can Isler aufmerksam geworden. Bei unserem ersten Treffen in seiner Ordination im 8. Bezirk in Wien, machte er einen ruhigen, sympathischen und professionellen Eindruck. Alle unsere Fragen beantwortete er informativ und ausführlich. Meine Frau und ich fassten schnell Vertrauen zu ihm und entschieden uns für eine Operation in Istanbul, mit dem beruhigendem Wissen, dass die Nachbetreuung in Wien stattfinden wird. Und das entwickelte sich zur besten Entscheidung, die wir diesbezüglich hätten treffen können. Die Betreuung in der Türkei seitens des Herrn Doktors und seines Teams, der Frau Figen und des Herrn Mehmet Ali war einfach nur Weltklasse. Sie nahmen sich ausreichend Zeit für uns, waren sehr einfühlsam und patientenorientiert. Die Betreuung im Krankenhaus war ebenfalls sehr gut, hier hat jeder seinen Job mit Hingabe gemacht und uns ein sehr sicheres Gefühl gegeben. All diese positiven Erfahrungen wurde mit einem spitzenmäßigem Ergebnis getoppt. Das Resultat hat unsere Erwartungen mehr als übertroffen. Vielen Dank für alles.

A Ozn

Sehr professioneller, kompetenter und hoch engagierter Arzt mit einer Leidenschaft für seine Arbeit. Sehr höflicher Umgang und eine Praxis mit angenehmer Atmosphäre. Seine PRP-Methode wirkt besser als die herkömmliche Methode. Habe bislang vier mal die PRP-Behandlung bei ihm gemacht und war stets hochzufrieden. Auch für andere Belange würde ich mich an ihn wenden. Vielen Dank, Dr. İşler.

cryptocat “Cryptocat”

Sehr netter, kompetenter und verlässlicher Arzt. Nimmt sich Zeit für seine Patienten, antwortet schnell. Hatte meine zweite PRP Behandlung und bin sehr zufrieden.

Betül Corca

No text – Only rating submitted

Contact Dr. Can İsler

  • Teşvikiye, Vali Konağı Cd. No:54 Kat:3, 34365 Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey

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Frequently Asked Questions

doctor Can İsler clinic is located in (Teşvikiye, Vali Konağı Cd. No:54 Kat:3, 34365 Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey). To find the clinic more easily, you can use online maps like Google Maps on his profile to get the exact address.
There are several ways to book an appointment with doctor Can İsler. If online booking is available through the Belorens website, you can easily schedule your appointment online from anywhere. Otherwise, you can contact doctor Can İsler via phone, WhatsApp, or Instagram to arrange an appointment.For urgent consultations or questions regarding appointment availability, it is recommended to contact the clinic directly via phone or WhatsApp for a faster response.
doctor Can İsler’s clinic phone number for direct contact is (+902122402215) or (+902122402188). You can easily use this number to schedule an appointment, ask medical questions, or seek consultation and further information.For urgent consultations or appointment scheduling, it is recommended to use this number.
The consultation fee for doctor Can İsler may vary depending on the type of service provided. For exact pricing details, you can contact the clinic directly by phone or reach out via WhatsApp and other communication channels listed on doctor Can İsler profile.Please note that fees may change based on the type of treatment and the duration of the consultation. Therefore, it is advisable to check the costs with the clinic before your visit.
Yes, if online consultation is enabled for doctor Can İsler, you can connect with him. Currently, if online consultation with doctor Can İsler is not available on Belorens, you can contact him through other means such as phone calls, WhatsApp messages, or Instagram to receive consultation.This option is particularly suitable for those who are unable to visit the clinic in person or prefer the convenience of consulting from home.