Asli Birkent

Dr. Asli Birkent

Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • 14 years of experience
  • Turkish, German


Dr. Asli Birkent's earned her medical degree from DEU and pursued her specialization in aesthetics at the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. She furthered her expertise by obtaining a Master of Aesthetic Medicine from the University of Camerino in Italy. Dr. Asli Birkent has gained valuable experience through her work at Estethica Beauty and Health in Istanbul, Turkey.

Doctor's performed solutions

  • Botox & other Injectable Toxins
  • Lip Filler
  • PRP Injection
  • Mesotherapy

Clinic Introduction

Dr. Asli Birkent's earned her medical degree from DEU and pursued her specialization in aesthetics at the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. She furthered her expertise by obtaining a Master of Aesthetic Medicine from the University of Camerino in Italy. Dr. Asli Birkent has gained valuable experience through her work at Estethica Beauty and Health in Istanbul, Turkey.

  • Estethica beauty and health, Istanbul, Turkey, Mar 2019

Office photos

Contact Dr. Asli Birkent