Dr. Arif Turkmen
Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon
- Istanbul, Turkey
- English, Turkish
- 25 years of experience
About Doctor Arif Turkmen
Dr. Arif Turkmen completed his initial medical studies at Ankara University in 1988. Additional specialization in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery was undertaken at Istanbul University Cherrahpasha, finalizing in 1994. Furthermore, Dr. Turkmen pursued further education at Cherrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University, in 2007.
For a substantial period starting from September 2013, Dr. Turkmen has been professionally associated with the Plastic Surgery Department at Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University. His roles have included positions as an Associate Professor and Professor.
Dr. Turkmen’s areas of specialization encompass microsurgery, breast surgery, maxillofacial surgery, and various facets of aesthetic and plastic surgery.
- M.D.: Medicine, Ankara University, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, 1988
- Residency: General Surgery
- Residency: Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Istanbul University Cherrahpasha, Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 1994.
- Associate Professor, Plastic Surgery Department, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University: 10 years and 1 month
- Associate Professor, MD, FRCS, FRCS(Plast), EBOPRAS, European Hand Diploma
- Awarded Best Candidate in the European Hand Surgery Diploma Exam
- Royal College of Surgeons
- 1991: Türkmen A, et al. New approaches to hernia repair.
- 2011: Türkmen A, et al. Various presentations. Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery National Congress. Çeşme/İzmir.
- 2012: Türkmen A, et al. Various presentations. Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery National Congress. Antalya.
- 2012: Arif Türkmen. Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Association Prof. Dr. Rıdvan Ege Basic Hand Surgery Courses IV. Adana.
- Turkmen A. How Can We Sort Problems of the Lower Limb Trauma out? 6th International Congress on Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery and Cosmetology of Georgia. July 2012, Batumi- Georgia.
- Turkmen A. What do I do for mandible Reconstruction? 6th International Congress on Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery and Cosmetology of Georgia. July 2012, Batumi- Georgia.
- Turkmen A. Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flep. International Congress on Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery and Cosmetology of Georgia. July 2012, Batumi- Georgia.
- Turkmen A. Soft tissue reconstruction for the defect on the hand. 10th. International Caucasion Congress on Plastic Surgery and Dernato-Cosmetology.Kolkhida.Tblisi, Georgia. July 2016.
- Turkmen A.Microsurgery in children.BAPS Winter Scientific Meeting, Nov. 2014
- 2014: Arif Türkmen, et al. Various presentations. Including Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 36th National Congress. Istanbul.
- 2015: Arif Türkmen, et al. Various presentations, including National Breast Diseases Congress and Cerrahpaşa Plastic Surgery days. Istanbul.
- 2016: Arif Türkmen, et al. Various presentations. Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association38. National Congress. Antalya.
- 2017: Arif Türkmen, et al. Various presentations, including Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association Winter Symposium and National Congress. Antalya and Isparta.
- Turkmen A, Temel M. Orbital Exentration for the treatment of advanced periocular skin cancer. Eur J Plast Surg. 2013; 36:69-74.
- Temel M, Turkmen A, Dokuyucu R, et al. A novel tumor suppressor gene in basal cell carcinoma: inhibition of growth factor-2. Tumour Biol. 2015 Jun;36(6):4611-6.
- Metin Temel, Ali O., Karakas, Recep Dokuyucu, Arif Turkmen. The Dermal Internal Brassiere Flap,’’ A New Modification of Inferior Pedicle Breast Reduction Technic. Aesth Plast Surg (2015) 39:350–358.
- Metin Temel, Arif Turkmen, Ömer Berberoğ. Improvements in Vertebral-Column Angles and Psychological Metrics After Abdominoplasty With Rectus Plication. Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2016, Vol 36(5) 577–587.
- Turkmen A, Temel M. Algorithmic approach to the prevention of unnecessary fasciotomy in extremity snake bite. 2016 Dec;47(12):2822-2827.
- 1994: Ersan Y, et al. Sigmoid Colon Volvulus in a Berardinelli-Seip Syndrome case. The Journal of the Disease of Colon and Rectum.
- 1995: Celik V, Türkmen A, et al. Various publications including about Experimentally induced pancreatitis and Pheochromacytoma.
- 2010: Türkmen A, et al. Various articles in Gaziantep Medical Journal.
- 2011: Türkmen A, et al. Various articles in Turkish Clinics and Gaziantep Medical Journal.
- 2012: Türkmen A, et al. Various articles regarding clinical experiences in Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery National Congress. Antalya.
- 2016: Türkmen A, Temel M. History of microsurgery in plastic surgery Turkey Clinics J Plast Surg-Special Topics.
Performed Solutions
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Contact Dr. Arif Turkmen
- 411/11 Bagdat Avenue, Suadiye, 34740 Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey
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