Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz
Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon
- Istanbul, Turkey
- English, Turkish
- 17 years of experience
About Doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz
Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz commenced his medical education at Uludag University's Faculty of Medicine, graduating in 1998. Following this, he took on roles as a general practitioner in both Sinop and Karamürsel State Hospitals. His specialization in Aesthetic, Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery was accomplished at Ankara Training and Research Hospital's 2nd Plastic Surgery service.
Between 2008 and 2010, Yilmaz served at Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt and Diyarbakır Training and Research Hospitals. Later, he completed his obligations at Izmir Military Hospital. After which, he contributed to Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital for approximately two years. He currently manages his private practice.
His contributions to the medical field are evident in his portfolio of national and international scientific publications. Additionally, he has engaged in numerous congress events. In 2011, he achieved board equivalence, and his medical interests include aesthetic and maxillofacial procedures.
- Flap Dissection Course, ANKARA, 29-30 November 2002
- 2. Maxillofacial Surgery Workshop and Course, ANKARA, 14-15 May 2004
- Sisli Etfal EAH- Mycorsurgery Course, ISTANBUL, 06-20 March 2006
- Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course, ANKARA, 1 April 2006
- 11th National Congress and Facial Aesthetic Surgery Course, ISTANBUL, 18-20 June 2007
- Minimal Invasive Surgery Applied Course, İSTANBUL, 15 June 2008
- 10. National Congress and Aesthetic Breast Surgery Course, İSTANBUL, 19-21 June 2006
- 12. National Congress and Body Contouring Surgery Course, İSTANBUL, 15-18 June 2008
- Hair Transplant Course with FUE Technique, ADANA, 17 October 2009
- 3. Rhinoplasty Course, IZMIR, 7-9 May 2010
- TPRECD Mentor Breast Surgery Course-1, ISTANBUL, 15 June 2012
- 4th International Eurosian Aesthetic Surgery Course, ISTANBUL, 20 June 2012
- Laser Training Department , Deka, ISTANBUL, 16 December
- Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD)
- 25. Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress, SAMSUN, 14-17 October 2003
- 9th National Congress and Rhinoplasty, KONYA, 11-15 May 2005
- Aesthetic Breast Surgery Winter Symposium, KARS, 12-15 March 2009
- Oncological Approach and Oncoplastic Intervention in Breast Cancer, ADANA, 17 October 2009
- 31st National Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress, ADANA, 17-21 October 2009
- Tuncali D., Yilmaz AC., Terzioğlu A., Aslan G. Multiple Occurances of Diffeent Histologic Types of the Glomus Tumor. The Journal of hand Surg, 2005; 30A.161-164.
- Başer N.T., Yalaz B., Yılmaz A.C., Tuncali D., Aslan G. An unusual and serious complication of topical waet treatment with monochloroacetic acid. Int J Dermatol, 2008; 47 (12):1295-7.
- Görkem S., Yılmaz A.C., Tuncalı D., Terzioğlu A., Aslan G. Mikrostomide Converse-Kazanjian komisüroplastisi: Eken ve geç dönem sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması. Turk plast surg, 2004; 12(1).
- Yılmaz A.C., Tuncalı D., Bulutoğlu R., Aslan G. Oronazal fistül tedavisinde mukoperiostal flep kullanımı, 2009; 17(2).
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Contact Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz
- 19 Ak Zambak Sok., Uphill Towers B Kule, Floor 25, Barbaros Mah Yenisahra Mah., 34746 Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey.
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