Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz - Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz

Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon

  • Istanbul, Turkey
  • English, Turkish
  • 17 years of experience

About Doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz

Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz commenced his medical education at Uludag University's Faculty of Medicine, graduating in 1998. Following this, he took on roles as a general practitioner in both Sinop and Karamürsel State Hospitals. His specialization in Aesthetic, Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery was accomplished at Ankara Training and Research Hospital's 2nd Plastic Surgery service.

Between 2008 and 2010, Yilmaz served at Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt and Diyarbakır Training and Research Hospitals. Later, he completed his obligations at Izmir Military Hospital. After which, he contributed to Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital for approximately two years. He currently manages his private practice.

His contributions to the medical field are evident in his portfolio of national and international scientific publications. Additionally, he has engaged in numerous congress events. In 2011, he achieved board equivalence, and his medical interests include aesthetic and maxillofacial procedures.

  • Flap Dissection Course, ANKARA, 29-30 November 2002
  • 2. Maxillofacial Surgery Workshop and Course, ANKARA, 14-15 May 2004
  • Sisli Etfal EAH- Mycorsurgery Course, ISTANBUL, 06-20 March 2006
  • Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course, ANKARA, 1 April 2006
  • 11th National Congress and Facial Aesthetic Surgery Course, ISTANBUL, 18-20 June 2007
  • Minimal Invasive Surgery Applied Course, İSTANBUL, 15 June 2008
  • 10. National Congress and Aesthetic Breast Surgery Course, İSTANBUL, 19-21 June 2006
  • 12. National Congress and Body Contouring Surgery Course, İSTANBUL, 15-18 June 2008
  • Hair Transplant Course with FUE Technique, ADANA, 17 October 2009
  • 3. Rhinoplasty Course, IZMIR, 7-9 May 2010
  • TPRECD Mentor Breast Surgery Course-1, ISTANBUL, 15 June 2012
  • 4th International Eurosian Aesthetic Surgery Course, ISTANBUL, 20 June 2012
  • Laser Training Department , Deka, ISTANBUL, 16 December
  • Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association (TPRECD)
  • 25. Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress, SAMSUN, 14-17 October 2003
  • 9th National Congress and Rhinoplasty, KONYA, 11-15 May 2005
  • Aesthetic Breast Surgery Winter Symposium, KARS, 12-15 March 2009
  • Oncological Approach and Oncoplastic Intervention in Breast Cancer, ADANA, 17 October 2009
  • 31st National Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress, ADANA, 17-21 October 2009
  • Tuncali D., Yilmaz AC., Terzioğlu A., Aslan G. Multiple Occurances of Diffeent Histologic Types of the Glomus Tumor. The Journal of hand Surg, 2005; 30A.161-164.
  • Başer N.T., Yalaz B., Yılmaz A.C., Tuncali D., Aslan G. An unusual and serious complication of topical waet treatment with monochloroacetic acid. Int J Dermatol, 2008; 47 (12):1295-7.
  • Görkem S., Yılmaz A.C., Tuncalı D., Terzioğlu A., Aslan G. Mikrostomide Converse-Kazanjian komisüroplastisi: Eken ve geç dönem sonuçlarının karşılaştırılması. Turk plast surg, 2004; 12(1).
  • Yılmaz A.C., Tuncalı D., Bulutoğlu R., Aslan G. Oronazal fistül tedavisinde mukoperiostal flep kullanımı, 2009; 17(2).

Performed Solutions

Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz's B & A Photos

Lip Lift
Arm Lift
PRP Injection

Office photos

Dr.Ali Cemal Yilmaz
Dr.Ali Cemal Yilmaz
Dr.Ali Cemal Yilmaz
Dr.Ali Cemal Yilmaz

Reviews about Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz


Ben göz kapagi amelyati oldum ilk amelyat başarisiz oldu dedi düzetcam sonraki amelyatada rezil eti gözümu ustelik göz kapagimdan alamadigi dikişi bantlayip beni eve göndermiş ben fark edince diyoki sen anlamasin diye bantlayip göndermişdim diyo ben göz kapagima üzülyorum Alicelam yilmaz hayat yemyeşil hayat cok güzel diye benimle dalga geciyo sikayetci olcam bu adamdan başkalarida magdur etmesin 5 yildizida öne ciksin yorum diye veryorum

Sevval Yilmaz

Araştırmalarım sonucu Ali Cemal Yılmaz hocamı tercih ederek Ankaradan İstanbula geldim. 28 Mayıs günü meme protez ve dikleştirme ameliyatı oldum hocama. Hocamızın yönlendirmesi ve isteklerimi birleştirerek vücuduma en uygun işlemler yapıldı o kadar memnun kaldım ki her şey istediğim gibi ilerledi. Ağrısız konforlu şekilde iyileşmemi sağladılar ve ameliyat öncesi sonrası hastane çalışanları da dahil o kadar ilgililerdi ki asla yalnız bırakmadılar. Ankara’ya döndüğümde de hemen hızlıca iletişime geçebildim. Hocalarımız ve ekibinden Derya Hanım’a çok çok teşekkürlerimi iletiyorum. İyi ki tanımışım sizleri. Tekrar görüşmek dileğiyle

Sema Osmanoglu

Ali Cemal hocam iyiki sizi tanıdım üç sene başka bir doktorun hatalı yaptığı botox sonucu göz kapağım ve kaşım düşmüştü sizin usta elleriniz de tekrar sağlığıma ve güzelliğime kavuştum Güler yüzünüz herşeye değer.ameliyat sonrası ilgi alakanız mükemmel biz bir aile gibi olduk Allah size sağlıklı uzun ömür versin iyiki varsınız hocam 🥰🥰🥰

Contact Dr. Ali Cemal Yilmaz

  • 19 Ak Zambak Sok., Uphill Towers B Kule, Floor 25, Barbaros Mah Yenisahra Mah., 34746 Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey.

Social Media:

Frequently Asked Questions

doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz clinic is located in (19 Ak Zambak Sok., Uphill Towers B Kule, Floor 25, Barbaros Mah Yenisahra Mah., 34746 Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey.). To find the clinic more easily, you can use online maps like Google Maps on his profile to get the exact address.
There are several ways to book an appointment with doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz. If online booking is available through the Belorens website, you can easily schedule your appointment online from anywhere. Otherwise, you can contact doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz via phone, WhatsApp, or Instagram to arrange an appointment.For urgent consultations or questions regarding appointment availability, it is recommended to contact the clinic directly via phone or WhatsApp for a faster response.
doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz’s clinic phone number for direct contact is (+905442291300). You can easily use this number to schedule an appointment, ask medical questions, or seek consultation and further information.For urgent consultations or appointment scheduling, it is recommended to use this number.
The consultation fee for doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz may vary depending on the type of service provided. For exact pricing details, you can contact the clinic directly by phone or reach out via WhatsApp and other communication channels listed on doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz profile.Please note that fees may change based on the type of treatment and the duration of the consultation. Therefore, it is advisable to check the costs with the clinic before your visit.
Yes, if online consultation is enabled for doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz, you can connect with him. Currently, if online consultation with doctor Ali Cemal Yilmaz is not available on Belorens, you can contact him through other means such as phone calls, WhatsApp messages, or Instagram to receive consultation.This option is particularly suitable for those who are unable to visit the clinic in person or prefer the convenience of consulting from home.