Dr. Ahmet Tanyaldirik - Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

Dr. Ahmet Tanyaldirik

Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

  • Ankara, Turkey
  • English, Turkish
  • 28 years of experience

About Doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik

Dr. Ahmet Tanyaldirik currently serves at the Ankara Atatürk Education and Research Hospital. His career has been marked by his tenure at various esteemed institutions including Gazi University. Dr. Tanyaldirik's commitment to medicine began with his studies at Hacettepe University, where he pursued a degree in Medicine, followed by a specialization in Skin and Venereal Diseases at the Gazi University Faculty of Medicine.

A firm foundation for his medical career was established at TED Ankara College Foundation Private High School. Dr. Tanyaldirik then honed his medical expertise at Hacettepe University's Faculty of Medicine, graduating in 1992. His quest for advanced knowledge led him to specialize in Skin and Venereal Diseases, which he completed at Gazi University's Faculty of Medicine in 1997.

Throughout his career, Dr. Tanyaldirik has been associated with several key medical institutions. His experience includes positions at Ankara Kızılcahamam State Hospital and Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital. His professional journey reflects a commitment to continual learning and contribution to the field of medicine.

Dr. Tanyaldirik's current roles at the Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, along with his ongoing affiliation since 2013 with the Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, demonstrate his enduring dedication to medical practice and research.

  • M.D.: Medicine, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 1992.
  • Specialization: Skin and Venereal Diseases, Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey, 1997.
  • Ankara Kızılcahamam State Hospital, 2017
  • Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, 2013 - Ongoing
  • Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, 2013 - Ongoing
  • Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, 2010 - 2013
  • Ankara Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, 2007 - 2010

Performed Solutions

Contact Dr. Ahmet Tanyaldirik

  • Üniversiteler, 1604. Cd. No:9, 06800 Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey

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Frequently Asked Questions

doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik clinic is located in (Üniversiteler, 1604. Cd. No:9, 06800 Çankaya, Ankara, Turkey). To find the clinic more easily, you can use online maps like Google Maps on his profile to get the exact address.
There are several ways to book an appointment with doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik. If online booking is available through the Belorens website, you can easily schedule your appointment online from anywhere. Otherwise, you can contact doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik via phone, WhatsApp, or Instagram to arrange an appointment.For urgent consultations or questions regarding appointment availability, it is recommended to contact the clinic directly via phone or WhatsApp for a faster response.
doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik’s clinic phone number for direct contact is (+903125526000) or (+903125529999). You can easily use this number to schedule an appointment, ask medical questions, or seek consultation and further information.For urgent consultations or appointment scheduling, it is recommended to use this number.
The consultation fee for doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik may vary depending on the type of service provided. For exact pricing details, you can contact the clinic directly by phone or reach out via WhatsApp and other communication channels listed on doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik profile.Please note that fees may change based on the type of treatment and the duration of the consultation. Therefore, it is advisable to check the costs with the clinic before your visit.
Yes, if online consultation is enabled for doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik, you can connect with him. Currently, if online consultation with doctor Ahmet Tanyaldirik is not available on Belorens, you can contact him through other means such as phone calls, WhatsApp messages, or Instagram to receive consultation.This option is particularly suitable for those who are unable to visit the clinic in person or prefer the convenience of consulting from home.