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Neck Lift Talk

Any question about Neck Lift? Ask and get free answers from multiple doctors and beauty specialists simultaneously.

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3 Topics


I've developed a saggy and wrinkled neck after losing weight. What can I do to address this issue?

At the age of 47, I'm currently undergoing a weight loss journey, and I've observed that my neck and throat area has become flabby with the emergence of noticeable longitudinal wrinkles. Previously, I've been fortunate to have minimal wrinkles, but these are now quite deep, and I find it challenging to accept their appearance. I'm wondering if surgery is my only viable option and what kind of improvement I can realistically expect from it. Currently, I've been using Bio-oil and massage, but I haven't seen any improvement yet, which is disheartening.

5 June 2024



How can I effectively tackle deep neck creases in my early twenties?

I'm in my early twenties, and I've had these deep neck creases for as long as I can remember. They're even starting to extend onto my collarbone area, and they really bother me because it seems like nobody my age is dealing with this issue. I'm interested in exploring relatively affordable, non-surgical methods to significantly reduce these lines.

17 Oct 2023



What can I anticipate during the recovery period following a neck lift?

Is the healing process lengthy, and will I require significant assistance with daily tasks at home? What should I anticipate during the recovery phase after a neck lift procedure? Is the healing process prolonged, and will I require substantial assistance with household tasks?

2 Oct 2023