Hi, You definitely do not need a lip lift at the moment in my opinion, You need slight nasal dorsal and glabeller augmentation and correction of nasal tip to give more definition. You may consider buccal fat pad removal to give better cheekbones definition and maybe a underchin lipo to increase relative chin projection. After the operations you may consider other procedures or injectable fillers to emphasize the jawline. My comments only depends on the limited photos you have shared and may subject to change. A detailed consultation is the best way for the operational planning. Best wishes
Would a combination of a lip lift and rhinoplasty help reduce the convex appearance of my profile?
Hello, I'm a young black woman seeking to achieve a more balanced side profile. I understand that protrusive jaws are common in my racial background, but mine extend beyond my chin and nose, resulting in an unbalanced appearance that I find undesirable. Is it feasible to bring my upper lip further inward, as shown in my morphed images? I've included pictures of some beautiful black women to illustrate that well-balanced prognathism/protrusion can be attractive, but my current profile lacks that balance. I'm also exploring the possibility of rhinoplasty.
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