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2 Sep 2023

Doctors' Response

Is it possible to address the discomfort and indentations on my dental implants with crowns?

I've recently had dental implants with crowns placed, but the crowns feel unusual and bulky. It seems like the tooth is occupying too much space. I've had one molar on the top and one on the bottom done, and both feel uncomfortable. Additionally, there are noticeable indentations or holes on them. Is it possible to remedy these issues?

İlker Arslan
Dr. İlker Arslan
25 Sep 2023

You have 2 options, in my opinion:First, Consider changing the material and using Emax Crowns, this brand is more resistant and durable, and the translucent looks very natural. Of course, this come with higher cost. At our clinic per tooth is between 375 to 450 euros (Emax Crowns)Second, Ask a smile makeover specialist to resize the crowns for more comfortable use.

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