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adrutter18 July 2023

Is it common to experience itching on my skin following laser hair removal?

While I can't be certain that the laser caused it, it seems my skin did react to something. Over the course of a week, I experienced intense itching, scattered redness, and the development of blisters. What steps should I take to address this situation?

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Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

Hello It is best to contact the responsible physician in the clinic where you receive laser epilation service. it will be true. Who knows the procedure performed on you and sees the condition of your skin As a physician, you can plan your treatment in the fastest and most accurate way. Diagnosis of ailments and recommendation of treatment imposes responsibility on the doctor, These are the works that require examinations and sometimes examinations. If you wish You can make an examination appointment from our clinic. We Wish You Healthy and Beautiful Days DermArt Dermatology

Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

Hi. First of all, I want to say let it be past. It is important here with which device the epilation is done. IPL is a skin that is very prone to creating burns on the skin reactions can be seen. In general, hairdressers and beauty salons are legally These are the devices that he uses as. Legally used by physicians Mild skin reactions also in Alexandrite and NdYAG machines If you contact the physician at the place where the procedure is performed, a clear treatment can edit. Because we don't want any traces. Let it be too late again.

Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

Hello First of all, distinguish whether your complaints are related to laser hair removal or not. You need to have a dermatological examination to be able to do so. What happens next it must be decided that it will be done.

Dermatologist & Cosmetologist

Hello, I recommend that you apply to a dermatologist and be examined.


There is a possibility of itching after the laser, and you can use anti-allergic creams and pills


I recommend that you see a dermatologist as soon as possible

Your Answer


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Laser Hair Removal

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