Steroids are not safe to use if you don’t have the recommendation of a doctor. If you are genetically predisposed to androgenetic alopecia, your body already has higher levels of DHT than it needs – taking steroids is known to produce more DHT, which, in turn can accelerate male pattern baldness. Steroids will not cause hair loss, but they will play a large part in drastically increasing your hair loss if you already have male pattern baldness. In theory transplanted hair follicles will be safe from DHT and high amounts of androgens. Nevertheless, you should consider that your remaining native hair follicles may not be resistant to DHT and may undergo hair loss if DHT is allowed to "attack" them. If those remaining hairs undergo miniaturization, you may require another hair transplant surgery.
Could the use of steroids for bodybuilding potentially impact the health and growth of my transplanted hair?
I'm 28 years old and have been dealing with male pattern baldness (MPB), resulting in significant hair loss on the top of my head. It's been a month since I had a hair transplant, and the transplanted hair was taken from the donor area, which is DHT-resistant. I'm considering using steroids for bodybuilding, but I'm concerned about their potential impact on my transplanted hair. The transplantation covered the entire upper head area, including the crown.
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