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Blog about Facelift

Read the best medically-reviewed and fact-checked articles on Facelift

3 Blog posts


Why Is My Face Red? Possible Causes and Treatments

Skin is an intriguing organ, serving as our body's outermost defense and often acting as a mirror, reflecting our internal health conditions. One such manifestation is facial redness, a common condition that many people experience

When to Get Botox Injections and Dermal Fillers?

You can start getting Botox injections and dermal fillers once you reach 18. While preventative injections can be helpful at early ages, the thirties are usually the best time to get Botox and fillers for many people.

All You Need to Know About Skin Tone and Undertone

Skin tone is the color of the surface of the skin, and that is why it is also called ‘overtone’. It is what we normally mean when describing an individual’s skin in terms of color. When we say that a particular person has light or