تصغير المؤخرة

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تصغير المؤخرة هو إجراء تجميلي لتقليل حجم الأرداف وتحسين شكلها ومحيطها، ويتم هذا عادةً عن طريق إزالة الدهون الزائدة باستخدام تقنية شفط الدهون. يمكن أن يترافق شفط الدهون لتقليص حجم المؤخرة مع استخدام بعض التقنيات المساعدة الأخرى مثل الليزر والترددات الراديوية ونفث الماء لتسخين وتخفيف الدهون قبل إزالتها وذلك للمساعدة في شد الجلد وزيادة فعالية هذا الإجراء. نتائج تصغير المؤخرة دائمة طوال فترة حفاظك على وزن صحي وتجنبك لزيادة الوزن المفرطة التي تؤدي إلى تراكم دهون جديدة.

إسطنبول, تركيا
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إسطنبول, تركيا
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إسطنبول, تركيا
8 سنوات الخبرة
التركية, الإنجليزية



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إسطنبول, تركيا
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إسطنبول, تركيا
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كل شيء عن تصغير المؤخرة

تم نشره في 19 فبراير 2022 | آخر تحديث في 28 نوفمبر 2022

بقلم فريق المحتوى الطبي

تمت مراجعته طبياً من قِبل د. تيري تشوزاك

التحقق من الحقائق

What is a butt reduction?

Butt reduction or buttock reduction, also known as gluteal reduction, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size and reshaping the buttocks. This procedure is typically sought by individuals who feel that their buttocks are disproportionately large or asymmetrical in relation to the rest of their body. During a buttock reduction surgery, excess fat, skin, and tissue are removed from the buttocks to achieve a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing shape. 

Why butt reduction?

There are several reasons why an individual may choose to undergo butt reduction surgery. Some common reasons include:

  • Disproportionate or asymmetrical buttocks: Some individuals, both men and women, may have buttocks that are larger or asymmetrical compared to the rest of their body, leading to self-consciousness and dissatisfaction with their appearance. This includes people with ‘steatopygia’, a condition characterized by an excessive accumulation of fat in the buttocks and thighs, leading to a pronounced protrusion of these areas.
  • Weight loss: Significant weight loss can result in sagging or excess skin in the buttocks area, which may not respond to diet and exercise. Butt reduction surgery can help address this issue and achieve a more contoured appearance.
  • Desire for a more proportionate shape: Some individuals may simply desire a more proportionate and balanced silhouette, and buttock reduction surgery can help achieve a more harmonious body contour.
  • Clothing fit: Large buttocks can make it challenging to find clothing that fits well and comfortably. Butt reduction surgery can help improve the fit of clothing and enhance overall comfort.
  • Boost self-confidence: For some individuals, achieving their desired buttock shape can boost self-esteem and confidence, leading to an improved quality of life.

It is essential to have a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss your specific concerns, goals, and expectations regarding butt reduction surgery to determine if it is the right option for you.

Is butt reduction right for me?

Determining whether buttock reduction surgery is right for you depends on various factors, including your individual goals, expectations, overall health, and candidacy for the procedure. Here are some considerations to help you determine if butt reduction surgery is suitable for you:

  • Realistic expectations: It is essential to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Butt reduction surgery can help improve the shape and size of your buttocks, but it may not entirely change your body image or resolve underlying self-esteem issues.
  • Good health: You should be in good overall health to undergo surgery successfully. Your surgeon will assess your medical history and current health status to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  • Body proportion: If you feel that your buttocks are disproportionately large or asymmetrical in relation to the rest of your body and this is a source of concern for you, butt reduction surgery may be a viable option.
  • Consultation with a plastic surgeon: Schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in buttock reduction surgery. During the consultation, discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations openly with the surgeon. They will evaluate your candidacy for the procedure and provide personalized recommendations.
  • Understanding risks and recovery: It is crucial to understand the potential risks, complications, and the recovery process associated with butt reduction surgery. Make sure to ask your surgeon any questions you may have about the procedure.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo buttock reduction surgery is a personal one that should be made after careful consideration, thorough research, and consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon. It is essential to prioritize your safety, well-being, and satisfaction with the outcome of the procedure.

Types of butt reduction surgery

There are several techniques available for butt reduction surgery, and the specific approach chosen will depend on the individual's anatomy, goals, and the surgeon's expertise. Common buttock reduction techniques include:

Butt liposuction

Liposuction is a popular technique used to remove excess fat from the buttocks and sculpt the area to achieve a more contoured appearance. Butt liposuction can help improve buttock contours, enhance body proportions, and achieve a more balanced silhouette. Buttock liposuction involves making small incisions through which a thin tube (cannula) is inserted to suction out the fat. Butt lipo is a minimally invasive procedure with relatively quick recovery compared to more extensive surgical techniques.

Excisional butt reduction

In cases where excess skin and tissue need to be removed, excisional surgery may be performed for buttock reduction. This technique involves making incisions to remove the excess skin and tissue, resulting in a more toned and lifted appearance.

Combination approach

Some surgeons may use a combination of liposuction and excisional techniques to achieve the desired results. This approach allows for both fat removal and skin tightening, leading to a more comprehensive buttock reduction.

It is essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in butt reduction surgery to determine the most appropriate technique for your specific needs and goals. The surgeon will evaluate your anatomy, discuss your desired outcome, and recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to achieve optimal results while prioritizing your safety and well-being.

What to expect before the procedure

Before undergoing butt reduction surgery, there are several important steps and considerations to keep in mind to ensure a successful procedure and smooth recovery:

  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in butt reduction surgery. During the consultation, discuss your goals, concerns, medical history, and expectations openly with the surgeon. They will evaluate your candidacy for the procedure and develop a personalized treatment plan.
  • Medical evaluation: Your surgeon may conduct a thorough medical evaluation to assess your overall health and determine if you are fit for surgery. Be prepared to provide information about any medical conditions, medications, allergies, or previous surgeries.
  • Preoperative instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific preoperative instructions to follow leading up to the surgery. This may include guidelines on medications to avoid, dietary restrictions, smoking cessation, and other preparatory measures.
  • Physical preparation: It is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle leading up to the surgery. This includes staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Arrangements for recovery: Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgical facility on the day of the procedure. Additionally, ensure you have a supportive friend or family member available to assist you during the initial stages of recovery.
  • Follow-up appointments: Your surgeon may schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, remove any sutures or drains, and provide postoperative care instructions. Attend all scheduled appointments to ensure proper healing and optimal results.
  • Emotional preparation: Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the surgery and recovery process. It is normal to experience a range of emotions before undergoing cosmetic surgery, so ensure you have a support system in place to help you through the process.

By following these guidelines and adequately preparing for butt reduction surgery, you can help ensure a safe and successful outcome. Remember to communicate openly with your surgeon, ask any questions you may have, and adhere to their recommendations for a smooth surgical experience.

What to expect during the procedure

When undergoing butt reduction surgery, whether through liposuction or excisional techniques, there are several key aspects to expect during the procedure:

  1. Anesthesia: Buttock reduction surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, ensuring that you are asleep and pain-free during the procedure. Your anesthesia provider will monitor you closely throughout the surgery to ensure your safety and comfort.
  2. Incisions: Depending on the specific technique used, your surgeon will make incisions in strategic locations to access the buttock area. These incisions are carefully planned to minimize visible scarring and allow for precise fat removal or tissue excision.
  3. Fat removal or tissue excision: If liposuction is employed, a thin tube (cannula) will be inserted through the incisions to suction out excess fat from the buttocks, sculpting the area to achieve the desired contour. In cases where excisional surgery is necessary, excess skin and tissue will be removed to reshape the buttocks.
  4. Contouring: Your surgeon will skillfully contour the buttocks to create a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing shape. Special attention will be paid to achieving symmetry, balance, and natural-looking results based on your pre-discussed goals.
  5. Closure: Once the fat removal or tissue excision is complete, the incisions will be meticulously closed with sutures. Your surgeon may also place drains to prevent fluid buildup and promote proper healing.
  6. Postoperative care: After the procedure, you will be monitored in a recovery area to ensure a smooth transition from surgery. Your surgical team will provide instructions on postoperative care, including wound care, medication management, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments.
  7. Recovery: The recovery process following butt reduction surgery varies for each individual but typically involves some degree of swelling, bruising, and discomfort. It is essential to follow your surgeon's postoperative instructions diligently to promote healing and achieve optimal results.

Throughout the procedure, your surgical team will prioritize your safety, comfort, and well-being. It is crucial to communicate openly with your surgeon, ask any questions you may have, and adhere to their recommendations to ensure a successful outcome and a smooth recovery from butt reduction surgery.

Recovery and aftercare

After undergoing butt reduction surgery, it is essential to follow specific recovery guidelines and aftercare instructions to promote healing, minimize complications, and achieve optimal results. Here are key aspects of the recovery process and aftercare following buttock reduction surgery:

  • Swelling and bruising: Swelling and bruising are common following butt reduction surgery and will gradually subside over time. Elevating your legs, applying cold compresses, and following your surgeon's recommendations can help reduce swelling and bruising.
  • Compression garments: Your surgeon may recommend wearing compression garments to support the treated area, reduce swelling, and help shape the buttocks during the initial healing phase. It is essential to wear these garments as instructed to aid in the recovery process.
  • Physical activity: Avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and vigorous exercise for the first few weeks following surgery. Gradually reintroduce light activities as advised by your surgeon to prevent complications and support proper healing.
  • Pain management: You may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising after butt reduction surgery. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medications or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to manage any discomfort during the recovery period.
  • Wound care: Follow your surgeon's instructions for wound care, including keeping the incision sites clean and dry. Attend follow-up appointments as scheduled for wound checks, suture removal, and monitoring of your progress.
  • Activity restrictions: Avoid sitting directly on your buttocks for an extended period following surgery to prevent pressure on the treated area. Your surgeon may recommend specific positions or cushions to support your buttocks during recovery.
  • Diet and hydration: Maintain a healthy diet rich in nutrients to support the healing process and stay hydrated. Proper nutrition can aid in tissue repair and recovery following butt reduction surgery.
  • Follow-up appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress, assess your healing, and address any concerns or questions you may have during the recovery process.
  • Resuming normal activities: Your surgeon will provide guidance on when you can return to work, resume regular activities, and gradually increase your exercise routine. It is crucial to follow these instructions to avoid complications and support a smooth recovery.

By following these recovery and aftercare guidelines diligently and communicating with your surgeon throughout the process, you can optimize your healing, minimize discomfort, and achieve the desired results of butt reduction surgery effectively and safely.

Risks and potential complications

While butt reduction surgery can be a safe and effective procedure when performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, it is essential to be aware of the potential risks and complications associated with the surgery. Some of the risks of buttock reduction surgery may include:

  • Infection: There is a risk of developing an infection at the incision sites following butt reduction surgery. Proper wound care, antibiotics, and close monitoring by your surgeon can help reduce this risk.
  • Bleeding: Excessive bleeding during or after surgery is a potential complication that may require medical intervention. Your surgeon will take precautions to minimize the risk of bleeding during the procedure.
  • Poor wound healing: In some cases, poor wound healing or wound dehiscence (wound separation) may occur, leading to delayed healing and potential scarring. Following your surgeon's postoperative care instructions can help promote proper wound healing.
  • Changes in sensation: Temporary or permanent changes in sensation, such as numbness or altered sensitivity, may occur in the buttock area following surgery. These sensations typically improve over time but can persist in some cases.
  • Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry in the buttocks can be challenging, and some degree of asymmetry may persist after surgery. Your surgeon will strive to create a balanced and harmonious outcome, but minor variations in shape or size may occur.
  • Contour irregularities: Irregularities in the contour of the buttocks, such as lumps, bumps, or unevenness, can occur following butt liposuction. 
  • Fluid accumulation: Seroma (fluid accumulation) or hematoma (blood clot) may occur in the treated area, requiring drainage to prevent complications. Your surgeon may place drains during surgery to minimize the risk of fluid buildup.
  • Scarring: While efforts are made to minimize scarring, some degree of scarring is inevitable following butt reduction surgery. Proper scar care and adherence to postoperative instructions can help optimize scar healing and minimize their visibility.
  • Anesthesia risks: General anesthesia carries inherent risks, including allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and adverse reactions. Your anesthesia provider will monitor you closely during surgery to ensure your safety.

It is essential to discuss these risks and potential complications with your plastic surgeon during the consultation process. By choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon, following preoperative and postoperative instructions diligently, and maintaining open communication with your surgical team, you can help minimize the likelihood of complications and achieve a successful outcome from butt reduction surgery.

Butt reduction cost

The cost of butt reduction surgery can vary significantly based on several factors, including the surgeon's experience, geographic location, facility fees, anesthesia fees, the specific technique used, and the extent of the procedure. The cost of butt liposuction can range from $2,000 to $5,000 and if the incisional technique is used the cost can be higher.

It is important to consider the following cost components when estimating the total cost of butt reduction surgery:

  • Surgeon's fee: This fee covers the expertise and skill of the plastic surgeon performing the procedure. Surgeon fees can vary based on the surgeon's experience, reputation, and location.
  • Facility fees: The cost of using the surgical facility, including operating room fees, equipment costs, and staff expenses, will contribute to the overall cost of the surgery.
  • Anesthesia fees: The fee for anesthesia services, whether local anesthesia, intravenous sedation, or general anesthesia, will be an additional cost associated with butt reduction surgery.
  • Preoperative tests and consultations: Preoperative tests, such as blood work and medical evaluations, may incur additional costs. Consultation fees with the surgeon to discuss the procedure and address any questions are also typically part of the overall cost.
  • Postoperative care and follow-up: The cost of postoperative appointments, wound care, and any necessary medications or garments will be included in the total cost of butt reduction surgery.
  • Additional procedures: If additional procedures, such as liposuction in other areas or combined surgeries, are performed concurrently with butt reduction surgery, they will impact the overall cost.

It is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in butt reduction surgery to obtain a personalized cost estimate based on your specific needs and goals. During the consultation, your surgeon will discuss the details of the procedure, associated costs, financing options, and any potential additional expenses to help you make an informed decision about undergoing butt reduction surgery.

While cost is an important consideration, it is crucial to prioritize the qualifications and experience of your surgeon, the safety and quality of the surgical facility, and the expected outcomes when selecting a provider for butt reduction surgery.


Why do some people have very large buttocks?

Some people may have very large buttocks due to genetic factors, hormonal influences, body composition, or lifestyle habits that contribute to the accumulation of excess fat in the buttock area.

Is butt liposuction safe?

Butt liposuction is generally safe when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon in an accredited facility. However, risks and complications can occur, so it is essential to adhere to the pre- and post-op instructions provided by your surgeon to minimize the risk of complications. 

How long does a butt reduction surgery take?

The duration of a butt reduction surgery typically ranges from 2 to 4 hours, depending on the specific technique used, the extent of the procedure, and whether additional procedures are performed concurrently.

Will butt reduction leave scars?

Butt reduction surgery may leave scars, but their visibility and extent can vary based on factors such as surgical technique, incision placement, and individual healing. Your surgeon can discuss scar management options to minimize their appearance.

Can fat return after butt lipo?

After undergoing butt liposuction, the removed fat cells do not regenerate, meaning that the fat cells in the treated area should not return. However, if a significant amount of weight is gained post-surgery, remaining fat cells in untreated areas can expand, potentially affecting overall body proportions.