يمكنك استعراض خيارات لجمالك
يمكنك معرفة المزيد عن طيف واسع من الخيارات ومقارنتها مع بعضها لاتخاذ قرار مستنير حول جسمك
3 الحلول
الحلول الأكثر شعبية
- الحلول الأكثر شعبية
- أكثر عدد من مقدمي الخدمة
- النقاشات الأكثر نشاطاً
Dental braces are orthodontic devices that are attached to the teeth for a period of 1 to 3 years to straighten crooked or malaligned teeth by gradually moving them to the right position.
Also called invisible aligners or Invisalign, they’re removable transparent devices used as an alternative for metal braces to straighten crooked and misaligned teeth by gradually moving them to the right position.
Crooked teeth can be effectively covered and aligned using dental veneers. These are thin shells, tooth-colored and made from materials such as porcelain, ceramic, or composite, that are attached to the teeth.
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